September 18, 2009
Berlines – I Krapfen Cileni

I know you loved my doughnutella mini krapfen recipe. As I mentioned before, Krapfen are a sweet treat very common in Alto Adige, the German-speaking region of northern Italy. In fact, Krapfen are typical doughnuts of the whole German-speaking world. Whereas in Italy and Austria these doughnuts are known as Krapfen, in Germany they use the word Berliner. In Chile, where German migration influenced Chilean pastry-making, Krapfen are known as berlines. Berlines are usually filled with custard, jam or dulce de leche. In addition, Berlines are now the quintessential Chilean snack for breaks at school. So, if you like doughnuts you’ll love Berlines, filled with sweet dulce de leche. Krapfen and berlines share another common feature: Krapfen come from the region of the Dolomite Mountains in Italy, and berlines come from Chile, the country of Torres del Paine in Chilean Patagonia. Don’t you think that Torres del Paine could easily blend into the Italian Dolomite region?

Ingredients (30-40 mini berlines)
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
1 cup warm milk (+ 1 tsp sugar)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 stick of butter (softened)
1/3 cup sugar
2 large eggs
pinch of salt
Peanut oil for frying
Dulce de leche for filling
Confectioner’s sugar for dusting
Just follow the directions for my doughnutellas, but fill them using dulce de leche.

In Canada, these doughnuts are called Bismarck doughnuts.
Today is Chile's National Day! Happy Chile Day!!!