October 19, 2009
Anti-cold Orange Sorbet

3 cups freshly squeezed orange juice
3/4 cup sugar
In a saucepan over medium heat, dissolve the sugar in 1 cup of orange juice. Let it simmer for about 2 minutes. Then let it cool. Mix with the remaining orange juice and put in the fridge for a couple of hours. Prepare the sorbet using your ice cream maker, and serve it with some orange zest!
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Wow. That looks so good. Can almost taste the orange. Ha. Great blog. Just joined.
Wonderful! I bet I'll need some soon...
Looks great! If I only had an ice cream maker. The Blood Orange sorbet looks good too... perhaps for Christmas...
All your Ice Cream are fantastic Daziano!!
Je, que te crees? tengo que dejar constancia de lo que te digo en español, en serio SIEMPRE que haces helado luce fantástico, tengo ganas de hacer helado de naranjas porque tengo hartas (de repente uno trae más de las que consume) soy la que come más fruta a y la Espe mi hija, ama las mandarinas, son deliciosas y aquí se dan muy buenas, muy dulces.
Mi pregunta es (creo que sí) si este helado se puede hacer aunque uno no tenga máquina (eso me gustaría de regalo de Navidad, una máquina para hacer helados, yo hago siempre) besooss, gloria
(Perdona la lata)
Je, que te crees? tengo que dejar constancia de lo que te digo en español, en serio SIEMPRE que haces helado luce fantástico, tengo ganas de hacer helado de naranjas porque tengo hartas (de repente uno trae más de las que consume) soy la que come más fruta a y la Espe mi hija, ama las mandarinas, son deliciosas y aquí se dan muy buenas, muy dulces.
Mi pregunta es (creo que sí) si este helado se puede hacer aunque uno no tenga máquina (eso me gustaría de regalo de Navidad, una máquina para hacer helados, yo hago siempre) besooss, gloria
(Perdona la lata)
My dad would love that. He has a thing for anything orange. He just came back from Italy Daz, brought me little packs of Nutella from all the restaurants. Can you imagine if they did that in the USA? Nutella at the table!!! I'd be in heaven! LOL
I would have to drizzle this with a little chocolate! I love that combination and this sorbet sounds so wonderful...and sooooo easy!
Great recipe. I'm sure if I eat a ton then I will not get swine flu!
Gloria, puedes ocupar el metodo de congelarlo en una fuente, y una vez congelado lo rascas con un tenedor. Repites la misma operacion varias veces. Eso si, el resultado mas que un sorbet va a ser lo que en italiano llamamos granita. Por aca las maquinas caseras de hacer helados son bien baratas. Ojala que te llegue una pa' la Pascua!!
Lisa, I totally know those little packages... they're even shaped as a jar of Nutella!
Oh! Your orange sorbet looks delicious, so refreshing!
Isn't that the best recipe? easy and packed with flavor. The sorbet looks so delicious, I may have to start mixing some now.
That's brilliant. Should make some when I'm sick :)
oh yummy! Thanks for sharing. I miss having "granita", which is Italian Ice made from fresh fruits.
Please stop by and read my post at TesoroFino.blogspot.com about my dad's Fresco Paintings in the Cathedrals of Southern Italy. The photos are lovely and no matter what age I am, I'm still daddy's proud little girl. Come see; you'll be glad u did!
Please stop by and read my post at TesoroFino.blogspot.com about my dad's Fresco Paintings in the Cathedrals of Southern Italy. The photos are lovely and no matter what age I am, I'm still daddy's proud little girl. Come see; you'll be glad u did!
This looks delectable! I may have to get myself an ice cream maker just for this recipe. :-)
Fammi capire: vivi in Canada e fai tutti 'sti gelati? Blueberry, blackberry, blood orange... e chissà cos'altro... Beh, complimenti, mi immagino che lì ci sia un freddo terribile, ti vedo imbacuccato e non mi immagino alle prese con la gelatiera.
Ice- creams and sorbets apart, il tuo blog è simpatico e la tua italianissima passione culinaria così contagiosa che mi iscrivo tra i tuoi sostenitori. A presto! E buono studio (Econometria, capisco bene?)
Ice- creams and sorbets apart, il tuo blog è simpatico e la tua italianissima passione culinaria così contagiosa che mi iscrivo tra i tuoi sostenitori. A presto! E buono studio (Econometria, capisco bene?)
I don't think it could get any easier than that Daziano!! Fantastic!
This looks wonderfully refreshing! I love the look of your blueberry gelato too! Making my way there now!
Perfect! Easy! In season (in Florida anyway) and just scrumptious. Maybe it will ward away the flu that's gripped this region. (You never know)
Happy New Year, Daziano
Hey Daziano!
Ma dove sei? You're MIA again. Ma, when ya coming back? hehehe
Buon anno a te e alla tua famiglia! I'll be here again when you decide to post another recipe. :-)
ciao ciao
Ma dove sei? You're MIA again. Ma, when ya coming back? hehehe
Buon anno a te e alla tua famiglia! I'll be here again when you decide to post another recipe. :-)
ciao ciao
Awesome blog! Love your stuff. If you come to NYC you have to take one of our food tours! - Amy
Is it really that easy? That looks great!
Daziano... where have you been?